Thursday, February 16, 2006

Sharing Together: Devotions & Wisdom

Hi Girlfriends,

I have enjoyed reading Oswald Chambers devotions so much, I thought I'd share this time with you. His daily devotions are short and sweet, but he gives you a lot to think about.

Of course, this is not intended to replace your normal Bible study or your personal quiet time, but I think you will enjoy his work. I know I have. Please post your comments and let me know your thoughts. I'd love to hear from you.

Also, I'm writing a Bible study on spiritual gifts. Would you please share your experiences. Your wisdom is greatly appreciated. I'd also like to hear from those who have questions concerning spiritual gifts? What would you like to learn? If you have an extra minute, I'd like for you to take the Spiritual Gifts poll (You will find it to the right of my blog). This will help as I research and prepare for this study. Thank you so much.

In His Grace,

1 comment:

Drewe Llyn, Girlfriend's Mentor said...

I love MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST! I'm also looking forward to your study on spiritual gifts.

Keep up the good work.

~ Drewe Llyn