These last several months, following Hurricane Katrina, have been testing times for thousands of us. We’ve had the tough task of trying to rebuild our homes, our communities, and our lives. Although, this has refocused our attentions from our normal daily activities, we must not let it take our eyes off the main thing, Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my commandments." John 14:15 and "Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you." John 15:14 The Bible also tells us, "We do know we know Him, if we keep His commandments." I John 2:3 Our love towards Him should be our response to His love, and it should not be optional.
We realize the importance of keeping His commands, but what are His commands? Here are some.
- Go Tell (Matthew 28:19)
- Be Holy (I Peter 1:16)
- Be Separate (I John 2:15)
- Love God (Matthew 22:37)
- Love Others (John 13:34)
All His commands involve our respect and concern for Him. It’s easy to sing Oh, How I Love Jesus, but it can be cheap if our lives do not back up the word of our testimony.
Loving Jesus is not an emotional thing. It involves emotions, but it’s not dependant on them.
To love Jesus is not just a rational commitment. We don’t just decide to love Jesus, although we should, but it’s actually doing it that matters. It’s not a state of mind or a matter of disciplining yourself to Him, that’s discipleship, not love. We love Him for who He is.
Revelation gives us a glimpse of God’s perspective. The cross is not something of the distant past. The cross is ever before Him, and it should be for us too. This should define our life, a life of loving Jesus.
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